- technology is a massive thing in the 21st century and all
- jobs are based around computers therefore it is good practice
- students are ready to function in the 21st century
- notes are neater and easily read
- it is quicker for most people to type than to write
- the technology can be taken anywhere. teachers have more freedom as to where they teach
- more tempting to copy and paste information from the internet into essays instead of referencing and putting information in someones own words
- you could loose the ability to write which is essiential for exams
- spell checking is done for you, therefore you never learn to spell
- at the beginning of lessons you have to wait for laptops to start up
- in a class a teacher cant always see what students are doing on the screen for example playing games or accessing social networking sites
- laptops are more expenisve than the usual pen and paper
- a school computer has a filtering system, a pupils own laptop does not
- can be used for memory aids- storing information which needs to be remembered
- cyber bullying is already an issue, therefore allowing phones won't cause a problem because the problem is already there,
- if a child was to miss their bus they could call and make other arrangements instead of walking home which could lead to all sorts of dangers
- mobiles require reception. they would be pointless as a learning tool if they werent readily available
- not all students have phones, or a good one. leading to jealousy, bullying
- cheating during tests. texting for answers or having answers readily saved as a draft message
- a lot of phones have internet access allowing cheating and viewing inappropiate websites during school time
- there is always one student who forgets to put their phone on silent causing a distraction
- students could text while a teachers back is turned.
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